QEHS History

QEHS – A History of Learning

Throughout its proud history of over 430 years, Queen Elizabeth’s High School has been providing the young people of Gainsborough and the surrounding area with an enriching educational experience.

In 1589 Queen Elizabeth I granted Sir Robert Somerscale permission to establish a grammar school in Gainsborough. The school was originally for boys only and was based in All Saints Church. In 1795 the Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School for boys was moved to what is now Hickman Hotel on Cox’s Hill. An equivalent grammar school for girls, Gainsborough High School, was founded in 1920. Later, in 1940, both schools moved to the present day site on Morton Terrace on which the local Technical College was based. In 1983 the two grammar schools merged to become Queen Elizabeth’s High School.

Students Conduct Research in to the History of QEHS

Following a research project conducted during Year 7 Study Lessons where the challenge set by Mrs Walker was to research the history of QEHS, three students decided to pool the responses from the class to produce a series of slides to capture the essence of what had been discovered. Below, Isla, Marli and Olivia explain the process. Their finalised presentation on The History of QEHS will be added to the school website later this term.

Last term, we researched the history of the school and in groups we all produced a presentation showing our findings. We found out information by researching on Google, asking teachers and using information sheets posted on Google classroom. We all thought of questions that we would like research and record the answers to, on separate slides. The questions that we chose to answer were the ones that we found most interesting and important for people to know the answers to.

Once all of the groups had put together their work, we presented them to the rest of the class. Everyone wrote down things they liked and things that they thought could be improved on a piece of paper before sharing them with the groups. Me, Olivia and Marli then spent time reading through some of the best presentations and merging them into one big presentation on the history of the school. We then met Mr Eastham and to go through the large presentation to check it before we uploaded it to the school website.

Isla C

I found our project on finding out about the history of QEHS fascinating! I liked how Mrs Walker put loads of old documents, books etc. on Google Classroom and just let us work independently in our groups to research. It’s so cool how far the school has come from maybe just 50 years ago and how it started off as a tiny boys school in a chapel. Overall I think it was a great and engaging project and perfectly fitting for our Year 7 study lessons. 

Marli P

Personally I think that it is better to work as a group instead of on your own, as it’s not just your ideas it’s everybody else’s to. You can work with each other and improve so much and I always make sure that everyone and their ideas are always included so that we all have a say. We made sure that not just one person’s ideas made it into the presentation, but rather we all put our thoughts into it so that were all always involved.

What we did was we gave everybody a designated slide to do, and then after we all helped to edit them and to decorate them with a style that was certainly one of my favourites. Me, Isla and Marli all work so much better together and get along so so well when we were making the presentation. When there’s an opportunity in class that we can work together we always take it and made an amazing presentation by the end. We always make sure to speak to each other and make sure we all agree on what we are doing.

Olivia G