Objective 1
Undertake an analysis of recruitment data and trends in regard to race, gender and disability and report this to Welfare Committee by September 2023
Why we have chosen this objective:
- To establish our current baseline from which we can set targets for improvement.
To achieve this objective, we plan to:
- Review all applications and appointments from the 2022/23 academic year.
Progress we are making towards this objective:
- Monitoring forms are being collated from all application forms received during the 2022/23 academic year for analysis.
Objective 2
To promote cultural understanding and awareness by valuing and celebrating various cultures and religious beliefs amongst the different ethnic groups within our school community
Why we have chosen this objective:
- We want our community to identify with their school and to feel that their culture and religious believes are valued and celebrated.
To achieve this objective, we plan to:
- Celebrate diversity throughout the year through assemblies, displays and the curriculum
- From September 2023 there will be a programme of celebrations and displays to mark important religious and cultural events
- We plan on using our plasma screens to celebrate a variety of religious festivals to include Eid, Diwali, Wesak, Vaisakhi, Sukkot, Pesach, Christmas and other world faiths in addition to featuring cultural and religious events in our social media and newsletters
- Our intent is to raise the whole school profile of these cultural and religious events throughout the year to ensure our school feels like home for every member of our community
Progress we are making towards this objective:
- Celebrating religious traditions in school such as Eid (KS3), Sukkot (Sukkot meal – KS3), visit to the Mandir Hindu Temple (KS4). Students study the pilgrimage of Hajj, build Hindu Mandir temples and learn about the Langar meal and the part it plays in the Sikh religion.
Objective 3
To monitor and promote the involvement of all groups of students in the extra-curricular life of the school, including leadership opportunities
Why we have chosen this objective:
- To ensure that every student has every opportunity to develop cultural capital and skills for life. Cultural capital comprises an individual’s social assets (education, intellect, style of speech, dress and so on) that promote social mobility within a stratified society. Cultural capital, when used in relation to education, aspires to cultivate students who are knowledgeable about a wide range of culture and are comfortable discussing its value and merits.
- Skills for life are general attributes including social skills, character traits and employment qualities. Common examples include:
- Communication skills
- Leadership
- Problem solving
- Critical thinking
- Team working
- Flexibility
- Resilience
- Negotiation skills
- We seek to develop students’ soft skills through all aspects of our curriculum and opportunities to develop them in the classroom should be included in department Schemes of Learning.
To achieve this objective, we plan to:
- Ensure that cultural capital is realised in the QEHS curriculum by exposing all students to a broad academic, enhancement and elective curriculum. We will promote character-building qualities that cultivate well-rounded, global citizens as well as providing our students with recognised and meaningful qualifications that will open doors to paths in later life. This includes:
- An extensive programme of trips and visits
- A fully integrated programme of House competitions, events and performances
- Student leadership including a prefect system, House system and School Council
- A full programme of clubs and societies
- International Schools programme
- Duke of Edinburgh Award at Bronze, Silver and Gold levels
- Camps International programme
- STEM programme
- Student voice
- Student Ambassadors
- Peer Mentors
- Sports Leaders
- Student Marketing Team
- Youth Stars
- Year 8 Buddies
- Charity fundraising
- School presentation evening programme
- These elements of our curriculum will be built into our school improvement plan and implemented in concert with our curriculum planning cycle. We will monitor student engagement, in particular the engagement of vulnerable groups and will ensure that we facilitate the access of any individuals or groups who are under-represented.
- We are monitoring engagement of all groups and will review this in concert with our annual cycle of curriculum planning.
Progress we are making towards this objective:
- Our core programme has been established and we have developed and mapped our programme of extra-curricular activities to ensure that it is accessible to all.
Objective 4
To ensure all disabled students, particularly those with ASD, ADHD and Dyslexia, have the reasonable adjustments they need in order to access the curriculum and make academic progress in line with non-disabled students.
Why we have chosen this objective:
- Our data identifies progress of students with these disabilities sometimes lags behind progress of other students.
To achieve this objective, we plan to:
- Ensure that all students with a disability have a Pupil Passport sheet which gives clear and effective guidance to teachers on bespoke support measures
- Ensure that whole school approaches enhance the accessibility of the curriculum for children with these disabilities
- Work closely with students and their families to address any barriers to learning
- Provide whole staff training on these three disabilities
- Use data tracking to identify strengths and weaknesses in provision.
Progress we are making towards this objective:
- Pupil Passports are in place for all students with a disability
- Assessments have been undertaken to give students access arrangements for exams
- Lesson drop ins are beginning to evidence teacher confidence in articulating lesson support provided
- We seek the involvement of external agencies such as the Working Together Team (autism support) to offer advice on individual cases
- Staff training has been delivered by a dyslexia expert and an ASD expert
- Training is planned for June 2023 on ADHD.
Objective 5
To provide role-models for all students, ensuring diversity in the staff body, visiting speakers and in leadership roles
Why we have chosen this objective:
- To promote cultural understanding and awareness, valuing and celebrating various cultures and religious beliefs amongst different ethnic groups within our school community
- Monitor and promote the involvement of all groups of students in the extra-curricular life of the school, including leadership opportunities
- Ensure accessibility across the school for students, staff and visitors with disabilities, including access to specialist teaching
- Diversify the curriculum in all areas to ensure the positive representation of all protected characteristics across so that our students see and can be seen.
To achieve this objective, we plan to:
- Map SMSC assemblies and careers IAG across the curriculum. We will review this in concert with our annual cycle of curriculum planning.
Progress we are making towards this objective:
- We have completed our mapping and implementation. We have achieved the Career Mark accreditation and are working towards SMSC Mark.
Objective 6
To deliver a diverse curriculum to ensure the positive representation of all nine of the protected characteristics across the school community
Why we have chosen this objective:
- To provide students with the knowledge and understanding to make informed decisions about their health, relationships and wellbeing.
To achieve this objective, we plan to:
- Provide students with the information they need to help them develop healthy, nurturing relationships of all kinds.
- Provide students with the characteristics of a healthy relationship including what makes a good friend, a good colleague and a successful long term committed relationship and to outline what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour in relationships. As a result, it is hoped this will help students understand the positive effects that good relationships have on their mental wellbeing, identify when relationships are unhealthy and understand how such situations can be managed.
- Provide students with the ability to make well informed decisions and positive choices for themselves in regards to their physical and emotional health. It also aims to enable students to recognise when an issue with themselves or others presents itself, so they know when and where to seek safe and reliable support. It is the teaching of the idea that physical health and emotional wellbeing are interlinked and it is important that students understand that good physical health contributes to good mental wellbeing, and vice versa.
- Ensure every student at QEHS receives high-quality careers information, advice and guidance which allows them to make informed decisions about their future. It aims to encourage students to challenge attitudes, beliefs and stereotypes, which might prevent the fulfilment of their individual potential.
- We will continue to review this in concert with our annual cycle of curriculum planning.
Progress we are making towards this objective:
- Curriculum content has been mapped to the National Curriculum but is mindful of the contextual needs of our students at QEHS. The Schemes of Learning have been designed to build on a student’s knowledge and understanding progressively each year.
- In addition to structured lessons, the teaching of PSHE can be found within all areas of the curriculum and school life. Embedded within the ethos of the school it is promoted through specific subject areas, the house system, assemblies, trips and visits, school council.
- Tutors and Heads of Year (HoY) offer pastoral care and support to their tutees on a daily basis. They are in a position of understanding with regards to the emotional and physical needs of their students. They are therefore best equipped with the knowledge when handling sensitive subject material. With the support of their HoY, tutors are able to identify in advance, prepare and support individual students when delivering complex topics. Tutors can amend and adapt the content to meet the needs of their group sensitively whilst still maintaining a level consistency in the information they provide. Tutors are encouraged to follow the QEHS Behaviour for Learning ground rules in order to provide a safe environment for students to confidently discuss, ask questions and be challenged in their thinking towards sensitive and sometimes controversial topics within PSHE.
- To remain up to date with pedagogy, QEHS is a member of the PSHE Association. Where appropriate and due to the vast array of subject content, tutors are provided with CPD opportunities, advice and guidance for each Scheme of Learning focus. Tutors are provided with support via their HoY and fellow year team tutors. HoY meetings and tutor team meetings are a good vehicle of support, they are an opportunity for PSHE to be discussed and reflected upon as a way of sharing good practice and pedagogy.
- External agencies and professionals are used to enhance and complement the provision within school, however certainly not as a substitute for the teaching by tutors. Wherever possible, resources are vetted by the curriculum leader beforehand. A teacher is always present in the sessions to offer support where appropriate. The safety and emotional health of the students is ensured by visitors and teachers by following the school’s safeguarding policies.
- The curriculum is designed in a way that is inclusive of all students regardless of their gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, culture, age, religion or belief. It will foster good relations between students, tackle all types of prejudice and promote understanding and respect. Tutors will support the interests of all students in their approach. Equality and diversity is not only taught as a stand-alone topic but is embedded within all resources and the delivery of PSHE lessons.

Objective 7
To ensure the consistent recording, reporting and action by staff following any incidents of discriminatory language and/or prejudiced based behaviours by students
Why we have chosen this objective:
- Child-on-child abuse and in particular, discrimination occurs in all schools. At QEHS we believe that robust and immediate action is required to ensure that the school environment is safe and enjoyable for all students.
To achieve this objective, we plan to:
- Consistently record and report these concerns on CPOMS and ensure that all incidents are investigated thoroughly and where appropriate, the school behaviour policy is implemented.
- Ensure all such incidents are currently reported to governors.
Progress we are making towards this objective:
- At QEHS we have established practices which ensure that recording, reporting and action take place following any incidents of discriminatory language and/or prejudiced based behaviours by students.
- We continue to train new staff in this mindset and report incidents of discriminatory language and/or prejudiced based behaviours by students to governors.
- The Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) ethos of our school is imbedded in our curriculum. Students are taught about British Values and in particular, tolerance and respect through the delivery of the curriculum, assemblies, and in discrete PSHE lessons. Staff at QEHS model expected behaviours and the language of respect.